Taos Art School

The Right Brain
on the Left Bank

Faculty: Ursula Beck
Check our Schedule for dates
(Feel free to call for details)

Limited to 12 Participants

Course Description | About Faculty
For Further Reading

You are invited to be part of an Art Colony for a week. In this case, it’s the Left Bank of the Rio Grande ®©, otherwise known as Taos, New Mexico.
Like the famed ‘Left Bank of Paris’, it has provided a creative atmosphere for Painters, Sculptors, Writers, Poets, and Composers from many Cultures


Image: The Right Brain on the Left Bank - Creativity Workshop

Image: Confluence of the Rio Grande and Rio Pueblo with Rich Gallego
A participant in this class enjoying a picnic afternoon at the Confluence of the Rio Grande and Rio Pueblo


We will immerse ourselves in a Creative Community for a week as a means of exploring the Right side of our Brain.. This has long been considered ‘The Creative Side” but it is much more than that: It is the part that takes in ‘the big picture’; lives totally in the richness of the present moment; and does not experience separateness. This will be a full yet peaceful time as we share exercises and experiences designed to awaken awareness of your Lovely Right Brain: You will return home bringing a renewed creativity to all aspects of your life, both Business and Personal.

Feel free to Call us for more Information about this wonderful workshop.
We love to chat about our classes.

FLOW – Float the lovely Rio Grande River one day, flowing with the river as it meanders past shady banks and towering cliffs.

WRITING – Lunch and a writing afternoon in the same Café where‘The Artists Way’ and other books were written.

EXERCISE – A morning with a Feldenkrais practitioner
will help to balance both sides of our bodies.

DRAWING – Practice Drawing the Betty Edwards way, with specific exercised designed to enhance relationships.

LABYRINTH – Walk a labyrinth and experience a shift of
consciousness from Linear to non-linear.

ART STUDIOS – Partake of the very real spaces artists create for themselves to create in.

NATURE SPACE – Visit an artists hideaway out on the Mesa under an impossibly vast sky scented with sage.

CAFÉ CONVERSATION – Shared lunches and lazy afternoons spent in Creative coffeehouses.

INDEPENDENT BOOKSTORES – We have some great ones in Taos, and few hours browsing will precipitate inspiration to share.

Your guide for this experience
is Ursula Beck,
the founder and Director
for the past 20 years.

See Bio

Image: Flow by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi


Image: Book, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards


This list is entirely optional for participants.
For those of you who feel a resonance
with this experience we are offering,
but can't make it this year, this reading
could be of interest:

  • FLOW: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi
  • MY STROKE OF INSIGHT: A Brain Scientist’s personal Journey, Jill Bolte Taylor
  • A WHOLE NEW MIND: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future, by Daniel Pink
  • THE RIGHT MIND: Making Sense of the Hemispheres, By Robert Ornstein

Image: Book, My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor

Image: Book, A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink

Image: The Right Mind by Robert Ornstein

Faculty will be our Director, Ursula Beck.
Click Here to View her Bio.

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Taos Art School

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P.O. BOX 2588, TAOS, NEW MEXICO, 87571
(575) 758-0350