Taos Art School

The Left Bank of the Rio Grande © ™


to Intermediate

Contact us to set up a time.


5% of your tuition is a donation
a local organization dedicated
to providing
environmental education http://www.riversandbirds.org/

“A bird does not sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song.”
Chinese Proverb

“When thou seest an eagle, thou seest a portion
of genius; lift up thy head!"
William Blake

“I realized that If I had to choose, I would rather
have birds than airplanes."
Charles Lindbergh

“I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment,
and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance
than I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn”

The Rio Grande is a Ribbon of life thru an arid land. Along with nurturing those that live along its banks, it supports the tropical migrants that use these ‘flyways’ to navigate from Mexico, to the US and Canada. The birds fly free over boarders, following the river as their ancestors have for millions of years. moving from their breeding to wintering grounds. It is the great North-South corridor for those heading to the Artic Circle and back. From the air this river must be a very welcome sight to a thirsty and exhausted bird covering thousands of miles trying to get home. The powerful wings and exquisite sense of direction have carried them so very far, but now, they must rest. And feed. The Mighty Rio Grande offers this haven.

And, thanks to organizations like: AMIGOS BRAVOS and RIVERS & BIRDS, This great River is still wild enough to offer the deepest kind of refuge – Peace.

We will wait for them, and not disturb them while they rest. The Fall migration brings many birds to our narrow river shores here in Northern New Mexico. There is no guarantee exactly which ones we will be able to photograph, but there are many to choose from: In the cottonwood riparian areas, Bald Eagles are known to Winter. Southwestern Fly-catchers nest in the willow groves alongside these streams. In the deep canyon known as ‘Wild Rivers’ we could see Red-tailed hawks, Golden Eagles, Canada Geese, American Kestrel as well as the Great Horned Owl, Blue Grouse, and Northern Flickers. The Red-wing blackbird can be found in the nearby wetlands.

Each day we will travel to a different part of the River, to enjoy its flow, and immerse ourselves in the continuity of life here. And, to photograph the Birds. This will be done in a natural state, with no blinds or baiting. However, under the expert guidance of our teacher, you will be led to the places with the most potential for good bird sightings. Some days will involve early mornings, or a Sunset . In the middle of the week, we will raft a gentle part of the River, both to enjoy its flow, and, to access parts of the river remote from roads or trails where we have the chance to see some of the more reclusive species. A picnic lunch will be an option on some of these days. Students may stay in a hotel in Town, or, camp in one of the many campsites along the River. Check out the web site for more information.

“The very idea of a bird is a symbol and a suggestion
to the poet. A bird seems to be at the top of the scale, so
vehement and intense his life. . . . The beautiful
vagabonds, endowed with every grace, masters of
all climes, and knowing no bounds -- how many
human aspirations are realized in their freedom --
and how many suggestions to the poet in their flight and song!"
John Burroughs


Feel free to Call us for more Information about this workshop.
We love to chat about our classes.

Taos Art School

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P.O. BOX 2588, TAOS, NEW MEXICO, 87571
(575) 758-0350